Calendar of Events

Healthy Pregnancy Seminar

Monday, January 6, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

This is a wonderfully versatile series aimed at making the most of this special time in your life as you prepare to welcome your baby. Sessions meet the first Monday evening of every month and feature guest speakers from the community. Topics include nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, and healthy relationships. Speakers and topics change regularly and occur on a rotating basis, so check the Bartlett calendar or call for details!

In addition, receive a helpful booklet called “Understanding Pregnancy” which is enriched with fabulous online content to help you truly understand what is happening with your body, your baby, and your medical care.


Classes start at 5:30pm and complete by 7pm


Healthy snacks provided.

Location: Robert Valliant Administration Building, First Floor
Type: Class
Preregistration: Required
Contact: Sara Gress
Phone: 907-796-8975
Cost: Free
Language: English

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